Gogama, Ontario - Snowmobiling
Snowmobiling has always been popular in Gogama. This winter wonderland has harboured trappers since its
inception and these hardy individuals readily accepted the transition from dog teams to the mechanized snowmobile.
As years passed these mechanical marvels changed from being mostly a “work” vehicle to also being a very popular recreational one.
Today, many individuals, both young and old own a snowmobile also known as a “skidoo” and use it as soon as sufficient snow is available. We have many and varied trails both groomed and ungroomed. The visitor had best stay on the groomed and marked trails unless accompanied by a local , since one can easily get lost or confused in the profusion of logging roads crisscrossing some of the forested areas.
The groomed trail network is maintained by the “Gogama Snowmobile Club” and connects to other area networks, namely the Timmins and Sudbury networks. A “Trail Pass” is required to travel these networks and may be purchased at many businesses in these communities. Liquor laws apply when driving these vehicles and you will be charged under Ontario law should you be found guilty of driving while under the influence. Be aware that the Ontario Provincial Police “OPP”, are frequent visitors to these trails and will uphold Ontario laws as required. Normal safe driving rules of the road with a few modifications apply here also. Approved safety helmets are mandatory! Remember that snowmobiles are meant for use in reserved areas and not on highways or roads unless specifically marked for such use. Extra care must be used when crossing roads and right of way must be given to automobile traffic. Remember to get permission before snowmobiling on private land.
There are several local inns, lodges, motels and resorts that cater to the snowmobile enthusiast. We welcome all visitors to the area, and want your stay/visit to be a pleasurable one. Play safe and have fun.